Saturday, 23 February 2008

Billy Mental

Well, Hubby didn't go Billy Mental, but he did go very glum.
I doubt even the homemade chocolate fudge I sent out to Afghanistan in some Very Important Colonel's hand luggage this week will have cheered him up. I also asked the Very Important Colonel to pass on a big sloppy kiss, with tongues, if he felt inclined to do so (think I may have been slightly tipsy when we discussed this at the Valentine's function). Not sure if he has done this or not, but don't think this will cheer Hubby up either. Although, hey, in today's modern army, snogging your boss is probably encouraged - but not sure if the VIC sees it this way. Should have sent the fudge/kiss with Tarquin, instead perhaps? Although he's not in the army and actually, keep having to remind myself, is not real...
However, as one friend has remarked, the advantage of having an imaginary gay friend when your car breaks down is that he can advise you on suitably stylish walking shoes.
So, you know, there's always a silver lining in there somewhere. Even if that silver lining is a fictitious homosexual.

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