Wednesday, 5 November 2008


Hubby is away in the UK. I was tempted to ask Gary-the-dog to take his place on the double bed - Tibetan mastiffs are nice and furry and warm - but had I done so then by now Gary would be ordering rare steak from Meena and I would be sleeping on cold concrete in the guard house. He is not a dog to be trifled with. 
Haven't heard from Hubby at all. He is at a forum on estate management, and could hardly contain his excitement on the prospect of finding out new and innovative ways to fix toilets and paint walls etc. Either the forum is so engrossing that he can't tear himself away to pick up the phone, or so dull that he's fallen into a deep sleep. (Hmm, wonder which?) Or alternatively he's having an affair with someone in the estate management community - an interesting thought as they all seem to be men of a certain age (and weight, and male-pattern baldness), although who knows, there may be some fox in red stilletoes there whose idea of foreplay is a lengthy discussion on the continuing issue of ammonium in water treatment. Good luck to her.
So since he's been gone we've been to church and been to bonfire/halloween night, so had a good old mix of Christian and Pagan to brighten up the weekend. Although I have to say, the Pagan bit was way more fun. Kids got to dress up as skeleton/pumpkin/cat respectively and go into a haunted house to collect ingredients for a magic potion to help banish the werewolf. After collecting lizards' blood, eye of newt, etc. they took their plastic cups to the wicked witch, who stirred them all up and turned the werewolf into a pumpkin. It was brilliant, and so scary that Twin 2 weed herself (actually, I think she would have weed herself anyway - potty training is a very long process...). Son has slept in the Twins' room ever since,  just in case 'Wolfmanche' decides to reappear.
Whilst writing this I'm listening to my playlist on i-tunes. I chose tracks to remember certain points in my life, but hearing it all just reminds me what shocking music taste I have. 'Every rose has its thorn' by Poison, anyone? or 'Romeo and Juliet' by Dire Straits? Oh deary deary me. I truly was a desperately un-cool teenager. Do hope my kids do a better job of it than me (I can't wait to say 'For God's sake, turn it down - that's not music, it's just noise!').

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