Farewell then,
521 lads.
You built water treatment works
And drank beer
Yes, well that's enough poetry. They flew out on the Friday morning, and General Dannatt (apologies for spelling, I'm sure that's wrong) flew in around the same time. They might even have passed him at the airport and exchanged a cheery wave. The General, who is higher than God, in army terms (not sure what this would be, perhaps a great theory which unifies our understanding of the universe, personified), came to do some very important things like talk to the prime minister and stuff, but he also got roped into opening the new water treatment works, lucky man. Hubby forced him to drink a glass of the treated water, which he didn't seem to keen on (I don't think his hair has turned green or his tongue dissolved - yet). That was the important bit. For all of us lesser mortals (aka wives), we got to have a cup of tea with Lady Dannatt, who seemed jolly nice. As she was the wife of the great theory that unifies our understanding of the universe personified, I thought there would at least be decent biscuits, maybe with chocolate. But no, it was some boring old cake, with a few raisins scattered through like an afterthought. No wonder she seemed pretty keen to get away (although this might also be because she had twins 1&2 hanging onto her ankles like a pair of grubby leg warmers).
So after that pinnacle of excitement on friday, the weekend was somewhat anti-climatic. No 521 or important generals this week. Just me, and Grumpy Hector, who is making us all nervous with his male version of PMT. I'm not quite sure why having pate for lunch AGAIN and a cup of tea that's TOO BIG, causes so much wrath, but then again, he has to put up with me eating my body weight in chocolate and getting shouty and tearful on a regular basis, so can't complain!
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