Tuesday, 10 February 2009


I'm halfway through drying my hair but realise I have to get this in whilst the internet is on. Also it's been a whole week since I last wrote, which I feel pretty guilty about. Time has been taken up with the extreme tedium of the running machine (oh, I put that pound back on, incidentally, all the underwear I ordered is too small and the jeans make my bum look big), amongst other very boring things. Book going well - had a major eathquake, a rescue and a reconciliation since last week. I'm now ready to start actually typing the whole thing up. Which will take forever. Other wild excitements include Twin 1 winning the maths prize in nursery (I know, a maths prize for nursery is a bit odd - I think she got it because she can count to ten or something) - I wonder if this means I can now refer to her in hushed tones as 'gifted'? Twin 2 managed to do a poo on the potty, which also generated much fanfare and whooping. It is quite a big deal, as she's averaging one 'success' per month at the moment, which is fairly dispiriting if you are the one who does the wiping (even worse for our housekeeper who does the handwashing). 
Hubby is in Pokhara yet again, he says for work, but maybe just to escape listening to Twin 1 count to ten again whilst wiping Twin 2's bottom.
We have re-started our Nepali lessons, with a new teacher who is also a local poet. We pay him a fortune for him to tell us obscure things like how to say the-day-after-the-day-after tomorrow (which apparently Kathmandu urbanites never use but will be very useful if we ever visit the villagers in the hills) or the correct form to use when addressing a family pet. He tells us to shower the language with love. He is extremely charming, but I'm not sure I'll ever even get close to fluency. However, I can now say, 'It's a shame, isn't it? But life is like that' in Nepali. Which I'm sure will come in handy when there is an earthquake/military coup and I need to rescue my children or even when buying cheese in the German bakery.
Hubby has re-considered his objection to fancy dress and agreed to attend the Valentine's function on Friday. The theme is screen couples and he has elected to go as Indiana Jones (from Raiders of the Lost Ark) I shall go as the random totty in the white dress (if I can still fit into it, that is). He's gone all keen, to the extent that I spent a whole morning yesterday waiting for a hat shop in Kathmandu to open so that I could buy him his 'Indie' hat. Of course it never did. He's been muttering about taking an afternoon off to buy a brown leather jacket as well. Not sure what to do about the whip, though.  

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