Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Straight to the point

Twin 1 says she wants her new teacher to be her mummy. When I asked why, she replied that it was because her new teacher has nicer hair than mine. Apparently it's longer, and straighter. Twin 1 says she doesn't like curly hair, and mine is a bit curly, especially if its been raining.
On the one hand, I feel defeated and inadequate - I will never have hair as long or as straight as the new teachers. On the other hand, this could be a boon to many other mums who have parenting issues and are desperately reading self-help parenting books or watching re-runs of super nanny on the TV. All such advice is clearly pointless. If you want to be a good mother, all you need to do is grow your hair and crack open the GHD straighteners.

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