Wednesday, 11 November 2009

house of germs

We are the house of pneumonia this week. I had great plans, with Hubby away, of dropping the kids off at the school bus and then having a swift half hour in the gym and then putting in a solid couple of hours on the book before having to pick up Twin 2 from school. But then fate intervened in the shape of chest infections. Twin 2 has been off for three days, and today Twin 1 joined her. It's not too bad because it's during the week, at least, so the house is clean and tidy and the cooking is done. However, Sanu now has a bad back and Meena is complaining of flu-like symptoms, so I may be on my own again soon! Fingers crossed I don't get ill as well. At least Son is well out of it as he is off on a school trip until Friday afternoon - went off this morning looking like a tortoise underneath an extremely large rucksack.
Haven't heard much from Hubby, enjoying his steamy escape to Sutton with the lovely ex-tennis pro, no doubt (or alternatively listening to lots of men with very short hair talk about what they have to pick up from Tescos for the missus whilst they're back in Blighty). Hopefully when he gets back we will have some idea of where we are likely to get posted to next summer. My money is on me and the kids being in the UK and Hubby being in Afghanistan.
Kids are already starting rehearsals for the Christmas play. Twin 1 is a camel (I think, but she is a bit vague). This is her line: "Humph!". So it will be worth the grandparents sitting through the hour-long school DVD to catch that, don't you think? Twin 2 hasn't been given her line yet as she has been off school all week. I can't wait to find out what it is: maybe she gets to yawn three quarters of the way through Act 2, or something. Do you think she will be a camel as well? Last year they were unconvincing-looking polar bear cubs. It's all a bit disappointing, because in my head they are both little angels, or at the very least, snow fairies. Still, what can I expect when they are germ-ridden and snotty-looking as at the moment. And at least with these coughs they will sound like camels.
Supper time now, must go xxx

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