Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Happy Meena

Don't tell Hubby, but I am missing him a bit. I don't think Meena is, though. She has been positively cheery since he left. I think this may be because she gets to cook easy stuff like fish cakes and baked beans, and also gets to go home by six (when Hubby is here we'll be having some complicated meaty meal, and he's normally only just got in from work at six, so she doesn't leave until seven), also there's no glowering looks when the food is too cold/gravy too lumpy when he's not around.
Just had to get in touch with school about Twin 2 getting not-quite-picked-on. Little girls can be really horrible. She's pretty robust, but when she said she wanted me to tell people to stop being nasty to her because she's wobbly, I had to do something. I think nice-but-intimidating Miss E and smiley-but-tough Mrs L have got things in hand now. I hope so. I know kids are unthinkingly cruel, and they really don't know any better, and I can't protect Twin 2 from the fact that she's a bit different forever, but it still breaks my heart.
Sorry, didn't mean to get all sad.
Off to do a bit of window shopping online (can't actually buy anything as we are saving it all for stupidly expensive trip to UK in the summer).

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