Friday, 2 July 2010

back to blighty

Hi, how are you? I'm as tired as a big bundle of tired old laundry, thanks. My lovely children were lovely for the trip back to the UK, but Kathmandu is a long old way from Blackawton, and now I'm so tired and jet-lagged I feel boozed up and woozy (but without actually having imbibed anything more exciting than hot chocolate - unless my parents slipped a rohypnol in my cocoa?).
As well as the exhaustion, I'm also suffering from mild culture shock. England is full of exciting things like celebrity Mr & Mrs with Fern and Phil, and cold rain. I don't think I've seen a single street dog or pothole since we've been back, and other car drivers wave cheerily at you when you pull into a layby to let them past (the Nepali way of dealing with single lane roads is to flash your lights and glower at the person coming the other way, and if they don't move aside, then blare your horn really loudly until they do - I know because that's how I drive in Kathmandu).
Hmmm, is blare a verb? Think I might just have made up a new verb. Still I'm so ridiculously tired that it's a miracle that any of this makes any sense whatsoever.
Hubby says he is lonely without us - hah! he does love us after all. Twins, on the other hand, say that they prefer strawberries to Daddy, and don't appear to be missing him at all.
It's no good, I have to sleep now, and you can't stop me....

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