Sunday, 31 October 2010

spooky palooki, it's Halloweeeeeen

Hello, thought I'd better get a quick one in tonight, as I haven't blogged much in October. It has been a busy old weekend here in Kathmandu. Well, busy for a small group of expats with children under the age of ten, anyway. Why? It's only spooky old Halloweeeeeeen, that's why. And what's more, there are lots of Americans and Canadians who are mad for it. I have just got back from my fourth spooky event in the space of forty-eight hours. It would have been five, but for the functions clash on Saturday night (just had to drop that one in as it makes me sound popular - I'm not, actually, but I think my children might be, so I'll just bask in their popularity a bit). So, Friday night was a Halloween birthday party, for Twins' friend, then Saturday afternoon was Halloween at the Gurkha camp, then Saturday evening was Halloween at the American club, then tonight was trick or treating for a select group of children around Patan. It was, however, a strangely Kathmandu-expat style trick or treat, whereby the children were ferried around to a handful of houses in Landrovers. Effectively I did various versions of the school run for two hours, whilst four small girls stuffed themselves with sweets on the back seat. Still, they seemed to enjoy it. They enjoyed it a lot more than Hubby enjoyed the Oktoberfest function in the mess on Friday, anyway. Can't think why he wasn't keen in dressing up in fake lederhosen and drinking fake German lager whilst talking to the same people he works with all week? I had one large bottle of beer on an empty stomach, and it didn't bother me at all...
Yikes it's ten to ten and I still haven't sorted out the lunch boxes. TTFN x

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