Sunday, 14 November 2010


I am feeling well young (not will young, he was the one who won x-factor about eight years ago, surprisingly pipping Gareth Gates at the post) because I'm writing my blog and Hubby is getting a facebook account. I know, how modern are we? I might get really excited and start tweeting soon.
Or maybe not.
Facebook is possibly the worst thing for Hubby to have, as it's utterly alien to his sociopathic nature. I think I'm his only 'friend' so far, so I might have to irritate him by 'poking', sending invitations to play online black jack and all those other utterly pointless things you can do when you're facebooking (is it a verb yet? probably).
Today was remembrance sunday at the British Embassy. We decided to be nice parents and let our children play on the playground and eat sweets rather than making them sit through the service (not as negligent as it sounds as the playground was right next door to the car park where the service was held). We sat at the back and told them only to come and get us in an emergency. About half way through the service it dawned on me that Twin 2's concept of an emergency differed slightly from ours. First her ponytail band fell out (call the police!), then she finished eating her Smarties and didn't know where to put the empty tube (call an ambulance!), and then she hurt her foot a bit at the bottom of the slide (phone the Queen!). Hubby was not impressed. He was, in fact, the very worst thing a parent can ever be... he was disappointed. He was so disappointed that Twin 2 was not allowed any Sprite at lunchtime, yes, that's how heinous the crime was judged to be. Her little mouth wobbled like a miserable trout in a chilly stream.
Bearded cousin and Girlfriend arrived today. They brought a whole bag full of xmas goodies, woo hoo! I have decided that children definitely won't like dark chocolate oranges, so I shall be forced to eat all three of those myself. I have to go and put away all the lovely chocolate stuff now, and it will be really, really hard not to eat anything. Maybe it would be okay to eat just one small segment of chocolate orange tonight?

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