Friday, 27 May 2011

half term hurrah

It's Friday already, and I've barely started chapter ten. My protagonist is attending a colleague's funeral. She's not happy, poor love. Still, I've got a surprise for her when she gets home...unfortunately that won't be for a while, as - in real life -  its now half term, so she can't expect to be reunited with ... (oh, I can't tell you, it will spoil the surprise) until, maybe Thursday, or even Friday next week.
In the meantime, I have swimming and sleepovers and Sunday lunch at the Sterling club and dental appointments and hair appointments etc. My life is far less interesting than hers (but a bit cheerier, it has to be said).
There was another bandh yesterday, and again today. I had to go into school on the bus with the kids this morning. As I was already kitted out for the gym, I had the really good idea of going in on the bus with them and then running home.
At least, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Now I am really not as fit as I was when we were in the UK, and, even at eight thirty in the morning it was probably about thirty degrees outside. So even my little half-hour trot back to camp darn near killed me - no wonder lots of random Nepalis were staring at me as I staggered past (they were probably thinking, why doesn't someone take that lunatic gora to the hospital?).
Hubby has been off work today (I think it's a bank holiday in the UK?). So he has spent most of the day sleeping and reading Harry Potter, whilst I tried to recover from my early morning fitness ordeal, planned chapter ten, and tried to organise new employers for Meena and Mani. Then, after lunch we walked into school. Twin 2 got her housepoints rosette in assembly today. Could we have been more proud (or more scared of her toppling off the stage)?
And now it's half-term. Hurrah! xxx

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