Wednesday, 29 June 2011

finished the book!

Ooh, feeling ever so slightly sandy-eyed and grumpy today. Leaving-do socialising is taking its toll. I didn't think I drank that much last night, and I was in bed by eleven, but when Twin 2 came into my side of the bed at five-to-six this morning, I did tell her quite clearly that I wouldn't be able to have a chat with her until at least six thirty - these early morning starts ought to be such a sweet chance for quality bonding time, but I just end up bitterly resenting my nice dreams being interrupted half and hour earlier than necessary.
And this morning I didn't have the opportunity to sweat off my grumpiness in the gym as I was attending a poolside first aid course. I now know how to resucitate  (oops, but not how to spell it) adults, children and babies. Hope I never have to though. Apparently if someone has water in their lungs then your first breath into them will dislodge the water and they will vomit it all back up (into your face if you are the first aider). Nice.
Anyway, the good news is that I have finished the book. Oh yes. I mean, of course I now need to go back through it all and revise, edit, etc, but at least I have hit my deadline. I rewarded myself with a nice new eyeliner from Amazon (woo-hoo, living the dream). Hubby very kindly said he felt like buying me a present for hitting my deadline, but I said I think the presents should wait until I get my first advance - might be waiting a while, then...
Hubby thinks that my advance will buy him a nice mid-life-crisis two seater sports car of some sort. Whereas, I think, if I ever sell this book, the advance is more likely to cover a week's supermarket shopping.
Hmmm, think I need to get myself a brufen and rinse the bleach off my teeth before I head out for salad and iced tea.
Take care x

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