Wednesday, 7 September 2011

hiding in the loo

I'm hiding in the loo (can't say toilet because my husband is a major now, so must use the posh word) with the laptop, which sounds as if I ought to be doing something illicit, but the truth is I'm waiting for the kids to go to sleep. We're sharing a room, as you know, and I'm desperate for them to get some sleep because it's the first day at school tomorrow, hence the hiding, to keep the bedroom dark.
Yes, so, Twin 2 is going to start school with the others. I took her into school to meet everyone and they agreed that she's a big faker (I think I heard the head mutter 'disability my arse' under his breath) and she will be starting school along with everyone else. Hurrah.
I have plenty of things I ought to be doing tomorrow (registering with doctor, getting a car pass, etc.) but I'm planning also on spending just a teeny bit of time in the jacuzzi...oh and Starbucks....and I may also pop into TK Maxx...(although can't actually afford to buy anything as I have just written an enormous cheque for the whole term's school dinners - if I hear reports that the roast turkey followed by apple crumble tomorrow wasn't snaffled right up then there will be more than one Bumsaw in the family, that's all I can say).
Feeling a bit overwrought today (good word, never thought I'd use it to describe myself, but there we are - I'm an overwrought middle aged lady, how blooming depressing is that?), which I'm putting down mainly to lack of sleep, because any other reason sounds a bit pathetic.
Right, I think everyone is asleep now. I did give them some 'sleeping potion' (oh, the power of the placebo - it was of course Bach Rescue Remedy) so I think it's safe to go back in and do some important form-filling for school.
Haven't heard from Bumsaw/Hubby today at all. Maybe he's socialising with new friends (Major Look, Major Stare and Major Loseyourunderwear, perhaps?)
Take care xx

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