Thursday, 5 April 2012

I found the launderette, despite the lack of satnav, managed to make it through the blizzard...brrr, it's a bit parky at the moment, isn't it? I still haven't actually managed to order a new washing machine though, because my new credit card has to be activated before use by the account holder...who is of course in Afghanistan. Bummer. Oh well, the trip out in the arctic conditions to get the washing done was the highlight of the day today. That and making Easter 'nests' out of the left over Coco Pops (left over because, since the rat poo ingestion incident the other week, everyone  - understandably - prefers Minibix) and some mini eggs.
The day almost got really exciting just before bedtime, when Twin 2 looked out of the window and then started screeching, "Quick, quick, Daddy's come home!" Of course, it wasn't him, just some other random chap in combat kit walking down the street. If it had been him it would have trumped the launderette trip and the homemade Easter nests hands down, but sadly we'll have to wait another couple of months for that one.
Right, bedtime for me, now xx

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