Tuesday, 8 May 2012

I'm wishing my husband would hurry up and come home, not least because he can have the mildly embarrassing conversations with Son. Like this one, for example, that took place earlier this evening, whilst playing our pre-bedtime game of cards:
Son (aged 10): Mummy, is having sexual relations fun?
Me (valuing honesty above all things but taking a split-second decision to give away as little as possible): Yes.
Him: Is that because of the endorphins?
Me (casually offhand): I think it's oxytocin actually.
Him: Oh.
Then we got back to the game of cards. Phew, managed to get out of that one, but it's only a matter of time before there are more questions, I'm sure.
Hurry up and come home, Major Bumsaw, you are needed on the Home Front!

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