Monday, 6 January 2014

Ooh la la. That was xmas then. And in the words of John Lennon, "What have you done?"
I'll tell you what I haven't done. I haven't held back on the chocolate or booze. And I haven't had any fasting days either. So it's going to be back on the soda water and sugar free gum sometime this week. However, I have also seen some family, vowed never to see some other family ever again (don't ask - or if you do, ask in secret), sent back two versions of my xmas present (the first one was too small so I sent it back for the next size up, which was also too small - could this have anything to do with my xmas choc n' booze frenzy, I wonder?) and am currently awaiting delivery of the third incarnation, just in time for the hols to finish.
Hubby has gone back to London. He's done a splendid job of looking after me recently. A virus has left me partially deaf and dizzy - I think it's called Labrynthitis. I'm going to try to get to the doctor this week, but you know, trying to get an appointment is like oh, I don't know, trying to do something very difficult (sorry, all out of imaginative similies right now).
I've just had yet another go at my PhD proposal. I've been accepted, but I need to get funding or I can't afford it, and writing a funding application is as tricky as getting a doctor's appointment when you want one, or finding a christmas present that actually fits (see, I got there with the similie thing eventually). At least feeling too dizzy to get up and do the ironing has been good for something, though. I've read all of Stephen King's 'On writing' today, as well as doing my third draft of the PhD application. The deadline is Thursday. I do so hope the nice people at the Arts and Humanities Research Council will decide to give me some money. I'm worth it (I would say this whilst flicking my hair with a coquettish look on my face, but my hair is all greasy from a day in bed, and, as Hubby pointed out, a little bit grey and in need of a boost of Nice n' Easy golden auburn  - or whatever is on special offer at the moment).
I was going to start tweeting in 2014, but I think I'll put it off a bit longer - there was a feature on Radio 4 the other morning about social network addiction, which played to my Luddite tendencies. I'll get round to it at some point though, and I'll let you know when I do. Cheerio and Happy New Year xxx

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