Thursday, 3 July 2014

My bad. Really been off radar for a while. I have had lots of work and various summer lurgies to contend with, though. Not to mention sports days and vague attempts to make it through the ironing pile, as well as tweaking the final chapters of the book, which I am desperate to finish before the summer hols. In addition, all my zero-hours contract jobs have suddenly become, well, no longer zero hours contracts. So I'm doing lots of really enjoyable work - some of it even almost reasonably paid, too - but having almost hardly any time to write/blog/create flash fiction. Mustn't grumble, though, it'll keep the pesky critters in two-ball screwballs and ninety nines this summer, if nothing else. Or alternatively pay for the exhorbitant (hmmm, how do you spell that word?) garage bill for the unresolved intermittent fault, which may - or may not - have something vaguely to do with the EGR filter, or the turbo...
Anyway, I should probably go and sort out PE kits now - it's multi-skills day tomorrow, you know (not to be confused with sports day, which was Monday, and in which my disabled daughter won a race - woo hoo - but only because I demanded that the poor little crippled girl be given a head start, for goodness sakes!). Better go. TTFN xxxx

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