Monday, 16 June 2008

Twin 1 came into the kitchen this evening, whilst I was preparing supper (I say 'preparing' but actually I was re-heating some leftovers from a dinner party I went to on Friday) and said: "Mummy, can you be 'evil mother'?". I would like to think that this is because she was outside with Son and their friend (who we like to call 'Big H', which makes her sound like some gangland boss, instead of a six-year-old, flaxen haired girl. Although in the context of under-eights in this street, she probably counts as a gangland boss, given that all the other kids seem to do exactly as she says, mainly due to her fearless persistence) playing Cinderella, and not because me being in a good mood and not being shouty and impatient is so unexpected that it was starting to unnerve her. Although the latter may be the case, as great combination of PMT and summer cold (not sure why summer colds are called summer colds - seems to me they are exactly the same as winter colds, just more irritating and no-one is sympathetic as they assume its hayfever) means I have been a bit of a witch recently. Have been trying not to be, and have also spent a fair amount of time apologising to the poor little blighters for shouting unnecessarily.
Anyway, realise as usual that I have been somewhat remiss in doing this whole blog thing recently, mainly because there has been admin to sort out in the evenings, but also because I've been spending my evenings having a pedicure (blue nails, which chipped off and looked skanky almost immediately, since you ask), having lots of fabulous visitors, and going to a dinner party somewhere in the wilds of South Yorkshire.
The wives champagne breakfast was lovely, got a v. nice green glass bracelet as a leaving present and although there was no champagne, it was pretty nice cava and furthermore, we all got a five quid refund, so not bad at all.
Twin 1 has just told me she's off to do a poo, so I must go and do some lovely bottom wiping  - tootle pip!

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