Tuesday, 5 May 2009

calm before the storm?

Oddly, no protests today. However, the Commander, who happened to be sitting nearby at a briefing on swine flu this afternoon, told me that the maoist politburo is meeting in the morning to decide what action to take, so there may well be some more tyre-burning argy-bargy before the week is out.
 An 'old hand' next door, who has been here for years, advised me this morning to get some shopping in, just in case there are 23-hour-a-day curfews, as there were a few years ago. Unfortunately our car is still in the workshop, so I could only shop for the essentials. Come the revolution, we will at least have plenty of chocolate spread and cheese triangles to see us through the misery and mayhem. We might even get round to eating the scabby old flapjacks that Meena made two weeks ago.
Other than feeling a tad jittery about the whole incipient swine flu pandemic and spiral into civil unrest thing (and, thinking about it, would it be such a bad thing if these two possibilities ended up coinciding: if swine flu reached Nepal and we were all stuck at home under curfew, then it couldn't spread - or if it all kicked off in terms of street protests and then swine flu arrived, then the political unrest would die down pretty quick if all the maoists were at home drinking Lemsip*), it has been a pretty good day. Twin 2 even did two poos on the toilet (she also did two in her pants, but best to focus on the positive, I feel). 
Anyway, I'm going to read Nepalnews website here, and see whether I need to rush out and stockpile strawberry cornflakes and Nesquick as well. 
*not sure Lemsip  exists out here, but there must be a local equivalent, probably based on substances outlawed in the UK - perhaps a health-giving tonic containing mercury, asbestos powder and opium, or somesuch.


Merry Monk said...

After reading this I thought I'd google Nepal News to get up to date with the situation. Got a you tube link to a news bulletin. All in Nepalese. Still none the wiser.

Take care and birthday hugs for twins 1 and 2.

Incidenty as I understand it a Jedi can be seduced by the dark side to becoome a Sith Lord as happened when Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth Vader. Darth Vader eventually rejected the Dark side to destroy the Emperor thus reconnecting to The Force and his Jedi training. While Anakin was contmplating a career change he was a struggling Jedibut whether he was half Sith I'm not sure. It is indeed debatable if Anakin should have been a Jedi at all since Yoda always claimed he was unsuitable for training due to his not being recruited until he was 8 so was he ever a true Jedi? Yes, the Force was strong with him, indeed stronger than Yoda or Qui-Gon had ever felt, but could it or was it ever fully tamed or trained. A point for more discussion methinks.

Amy Waif said...

Twins send lovely chocolatey-sloppy kisses back xx
I feel that the Grumpy Hector vs Nice Hubby struggle we have in this house has many parallels with the Anakin vs Darth plot, and your point about Annakin re-connecting to the force certainly gives me pause for thought. Did Darth Vader have a fish tank, fish bowl or any other aquarium related paraphernalia to aid his redemption?

Merry Monk said...

No. Ewoks were kind of involved though. Kind of.