Friday, 2 January 2009

Happy New Year!

Sorry, sorry, sorry. Xmas hols and all that. We have all had colds, Hubby has also had a tummy bug thingy, and we've had water shortage, and Twin 2 is taking a depressingly long time to grasp the concept of poo-ing in a potty. So it has been a difficult Christmas, in some respects.
For example, on the morning of Christmas Eve, I was woken up at around six in the morning by Son telling me that Twin 2 had a poo in her pajamas, Twin 1 was on the toilet and needing her bottom wiped and that his first tooth had fallen out and he couldn't find it (it was eventually found on the bathroom floor, and after being soaked in Dettol for a bit, I'm sure the Tooth Fairy was none the wiser about its eventful journey from mouth to pillow). That incident kind of set the tone for the rest of the week really. It's not that it was a horrible Christmas, just a bit smelly. Especially with the water shortage (we get our water delivered and there was a problem at the delivery place, which meant we had no water delivered for a week, during which time we were eking out the water we had in the tank, which meant no baths for the kids and no hairwash for me. It felt like we were squatters in our own house, somehow.)
Anyway, the water is back, now. And Hubby has gone off on a trek with his mate, leaving me with the kids to entertain for a whole week. I know I should be doing lots of crafts and baking homemade muffins and so forth, but at the moment they are all parked in front of a Barbie DVD and I'm not feeling the slightest bit guilty. Furthermore, when Hubby and Best Mate get back from their trek, I'm going to book myself a half-day spa package. And I might even fit in another little trip to the cashmere shop, too.
Happy New Year!

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