Friday, 30 January 2009

hot tubs and a mongolian princess

Internet is on again. Can hardly believe it. Am going to type really quickly to try to get this post in. Ooh, now the pressure's on to think of something to write. 
Spent most of this morning writing torrid love scenes, which got me to thinking that Hubby looks like Ethan Hawke, and almost made us miss Twins' class assembly after lunch (the theme was 'the very hungry caterpillar' and they were plum 1 and strawberry 4, respectively, to whoops and thunderous applause from the audience). Anyway, made me realise I should never attempt a Mills & Boon book, as the lengthy lunch hours would cause havoc on Hubby's work...
Tomorrow the Twins are going to a birthday party, and the party girls parents are apparently a mongolian princess and a belgian count, respectively. Should be interesting. I knew the dad had to be something. He wears knee britches and shoes with big silver buckles on, a bit like a picture of a puritan from a Ladybird history book. So I was fairly sure he wasn't with the army or DfID, like all the other parents. I had no idea he was a count, though, until after school today. So that should be interesting. I'm just excited to see what the party food will be - probably not sausages on  sticks, maybe lobster or caviar?  
Whilst we are at the royal party, Son is taking Hubby to the zoo to see the vultures. He likes vultures. 
And then in the evening I have been invited on a girls'  night with the missionary ladies to the Japanese baths, which should also be an experience. We will all be without our pirate costumes, but perhaps there will be some opportunity for talking in a deep Devonian accent whilst eating sushi in the hot tub. I guess it depends how much saki we drink.
Anyway, will quickly get this on before internet disappears again. 
Take care x

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