Friday, 12 June 2009

he is necessary because I have no money

I learnt how to say: "I'm unhappy because my husband is short and weak, but he is necessary because I have no money" in Nepali. I think that will be a far more useful sentence than: "I like mangoes", which is about all I've managed so far.
Went to partners' club (one husband, forty wives) dinner last night. There was of course lots of smiling and telling people how nice they looked. I found someone who had brought her car, hurrah, and managed to sneak off after dinner, rather than going along to the disco. Good job I did as shortly after I got home, Twin 2 started to cough and have hideously high fever so I slept next to her bed to be on hand with damp flannel/cough medicine throughout the night. Turns out she has a bit of a chest infection, which is very good news so far as she's concerned as she gets to stay home and watch Disney films all day.
Of course I should be doing some writing - I've got to the bit where the protagonist is about to kiss the wrong man (stop! stop! I keep telling her; he's just a charming ne'er-do-well. But will she listen? Will she buggery! That's eighteen-year-olds for you...) - but I'm quite tired after my night on the Twins' floor so decided to do some very exciting internet shopping (for bread mix and yoghurt mix, since you ask) instead. Well it's either that or watch 'Ariel' for the zillionth time. And of course it means I have time to write to you, which is always a good thing xxx

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