Tuesday, 2 June 2009

bandas and boreholes

Not to be outdone by the Newars, the Maoists are having their own 'bandha' tomorrow. However, I have heard that they will be protesting up the road, near the shrine to Ganesh (remover of obstacles), so I figure that we can still get the kids to school, if we drive the other way to the main road. At least, that is the plan, as I'm not massively keen on another day catching worms and playing fire gods. I really want to get some more writing done. I've been thwarted a bit this week by having the kids at home yesterday, and needing some emergency reflexology to prevent my descent into a hormonal monster this morning. I was hoping to get a little bit done this evening, but Hubby hogged the computer all night. He seemed on the verge of euphoria after having discovered a type of pump that is perfect for his borehole. At least, that's what he said - perhaps so I don't get suspicious when I discover that our internet history is littered with searches for 'pump', 'hole' and 'deep penetration'. Armed with his revelationary details about aforementioned pumps, holes and deep penetration, eyes flushed with excitement, he passed me the laptop and said he was going upstairs for an early night...do you think I should be suspicious?

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