Friday, 10 July 2009

I am the Queen of 1980s music triv!

I have just taken a 1980s pop quiz via Facebook and got a score of ninety per cent. And because I live a vapid and spiritually denuded existence, I am actually quite proud of the fact (although gutted that I got Ah-Ha's origins wrong - I always thought they were from Sweden, but no, apparently Norway, who would have thought? Not me, obviously. And incidentally, if you take the quiz now and get more than 90% I will assume it's because I've just given you the Ah-Ha answer, and so that counts as cheating, so you really didn't beat me at all. No, you didn't, okay).

Today the Darlings left (sob). They were a very nice family with about a million children (well, okay, four), including a set of twins the same age as mine. I will miss having them around, not just because they were v.nice, but also because it was good to have someone else around who understands the whole chaotic extreme parenting thing. Farewell then, Darlings!

I'm sitting here blathering on to you, waiting with baited breath for Son to finish making his Star Wars Lego Droid bomber. I'm not sure if I can write any more as the anticipation is killing me, and my hands are shaking too much to type. This is almost as exciting as the day I received my fat-busting shoes in the post. But not quite.

Will write more details of my thrilling summer holidays very soon x

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