Thursday, 10 September 2009

Pure hearted mountain girl, my arse!

Still contemplating an attack of 'swine flu' to get me out of Nepali dance thing tomorrow night, although I somehow feel that I'd be letting everyone down if I did. We have a dress rehearsal in the morning, yikes.
It feels that all I have done this week is dance. I have been dreaming wierd Nepali dance moves.
In Nepali dance you're supposed to lip-synch to the song whilst you're dancing, but my Nepali language skills are only marginally better than my dance ones, so that's out of the question. Apparently I'm supposed to be singing something like this:
I don't need expensive blouses
I don't need silk saris
I don't need nose rings or earrings
I'm just a cute little girl from the mountains
I'm a pure hearted country girl who will never leave my mother land...
blah blah blah (but in Nepali, natch).

Now bear in mind that this will be performed by two middle-aged English women. Hilarious, eh (except for me and the other expat wife involved)?

I'm not sure whether all popular Nepali songs are as ridiculously sentimental as this, but anyway, the lyrics are a big fat lie because if you offered any pure-hearted country girl in Nepal a visa and a flight to the UK, she'd be off like a shot, as the UK is shortly to find out once its inundated by throngs of ex-gurkha families, thanks to La Lumley:
I don't need blouses or saris, I do need TK Maxx and an out of town retail outlet, etc...


Merry Monk said...

I sense a cultural exchange opportunity. Why not wow your hosts by teaching them the Blame it on the Boogie dance, (Big Fun version of course) or The Birdie Song? Show them who can really throw the shapes on the dance floor.

Amy Waif said...

Well, our plan B, if we forget the moves, is to launch into the YMCA. However, we are saving the delights of the macarena, oops upside your head and time warp to teach the ladies at the partner' club xmas function (yes, this is a real plan!)...