Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Sorry, it's been a while. Must be the wild excitement of having Hubby back home that has distracted me. Yes, he did finally make it back, but with not one single eensy weensy present in his big, fat sailing bag. So I don't feel even remotely guilty about the three mornings at the spa or the cashmere, especially not as he let slip that he gets paid more when he's sailing as it counts as a duty. Indeed.
What else? Doctor told me today that she has managed to get hold of a swine flu vaccine for Twin 2, but not for anyone else. So, come the lethal pandemic, she'll be fine, it'll just be the rest of us writhing around near death. You would think that it would be a good thing to have at least one member of the family vaccinated, to look after the others. Sadly, Twin 2's ideas of nursing are lacking, to say the least (Twin 1 however is getting a doctor's kit from father christmas, so she and her plastic stethoscope might be of some use).
I'm going out tonight, to a gig. Yes, how rock chick is that? Actually, not very. It's some of the Dads from school who have formed a mid-life-crisis band and are doing a fundraiser for Help for Heroes. Still, I am wearing ripped jeans (I had to lie on the bed and hold my breath to get the zip done up on them this morning) and will shortly be popping upstairs for black eyeliner and large earrings. Do you think my leopard effect jacket would be de trop?
Hubby is coming too, along with most of the expat community, including, I think, both the commander and the ambassador. Hubby is bringing his boss, who's out from the UK, and his entourage.
Should be a laff, I reackon, although Son is already trying to make me feel guilty by muttering darkly about how I don't have to go out. He says, Mummy it's not like it's your job to go to a party. He will not make me feel bad about it though, as his social life is way busier than mine, and anyway, it's for a good cause, right?

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