Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Don't make me ask you again....

Luckily Mr Bigglesworth didn't do very much today, so I do have time to write to you. At bed time Twin 1 said he'd played tag all day with rocking horse, pink cat and Mrs Dog. I think he might have something going on with Mrs Dog, as they kissed for a long time at bed time. Also Mr B was naked (well, except for his smelly and unkempt fur), and I'm sure he had a dressing gown on when I left to pick the kids up from school.
So, anyway, it has actually been busier than normal here (not difficult as we are sociopaths and are not in the habit of either going out or entertaining guests). On Friday we had to go to a thingy to welcome the new Commander (who is very nice and not like an important colonel at all). It was the usual carefree mix of ... oh, no, it really wasn't. Sorry, I can't even be bothered with sarcasm. It was a Gurkha do, and just like all the others: standing about in the cold drinking whisky or coke, or even whisky and coke (because apparently nobody in the whole of British Gurkhas Nepal could possibly want to drink anything so radical as a gin and tonic). Good job I like whisky and coke, because it's all that got me through the evening.
I was stood by the makeshift bar, which had been set up in the play park (the stage for the 'cultural show' had been set up in the badminton court next to it). All of a sudden, the Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) got on the microphone and told the assembled throng in no uncertain terms that we were not to crowd round the bar, and that he wanted ladies stood to the right of the stage and men stood to the left. Perhaps he thought we wives would have a better time if he forcibly separated us from our husbands -who knows? Anyway, nobody took much notice of the tedious little man, and then, about ten minutes later, he was back on the microphone, telling us again not to stand near the bar and to go to our allotted places. He finished his little spiel with "I have already asked you once, don't make me ask you again."
Of course I immediately went to stand right in front of the bar, and was joined by a gentleman who far outranked the RSM, so there was nothing the little twerp could do, which was quite satisfying.
(This morning I took great pleasure in saying a cheery 'good morning' to him when I met him going into camp. I had a big, big smile on my face and made sure there was prolonged eye contact. He muttered an unwilling 'Namaste' in response. I'm quite sure he hates me now, and I don't give a monkeys.)
So, on Saturday morning, Hubby and I were both a teensy bit hung over.
Then Hubby's mate arrived from Germany, to much whooping and showing off from the kids.
On Sunday we went to Haatiban and I didn't have the chef's salad. Yes, I am as wise as a big slice of wise pie.
Then, on Sunday evening Hubby's sister arrived, to even more whooping and showing off, and because it was past bedtime, head traumas and tears.
Now Hubby, Mate and Sister have all gone off on their trek, and I'm just left with Mr Bigglesworth and his lecherous ways with Mrs Dog. And Gary, who is about as much fun as a furry sofa (which come to think of it, could be quite fun - but not a sofa that smells of dog and asks to be let out when it's time for buffalo and rice).
This afternoon we had the Twins' "topic talk" at school, which seems to entail the class teacher making you feel guilty for letting your children watch DVDs, when they should be practising their sound blending or correctly forming the descender on the letter 'q'. I'm of the mind that they'll get it in the end, regardless of whether I interfere, but I did try to encourage Son to help Twin 1 with her letter sounds from her sound pot whilst I was doing Twin 2s physiotherapy this evening (meanwhile there were strange furry growly noises and the odd muffled woof to be heard from the Twins bedroom - most odd). Son and Twin 1 ended up pretending the sound pot sounds (little laminated slips of paper with letters on) were money and throwing them all over the room. I'm not sure that's what the class teacher had in mind when she talked about doing five minutes with the sound pot every night.
Still, I don't remember doing anything with Son, and he's a book hoover now, so I think it will all come good eventually.
I should probably go.
Take care xxx

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