Tuesday, 12 January 2010

back to school

Kids are back at school tomorrow, woo-hoo. As a special treat for the last day of the holidays I said they could choose what they wanted to do today. There isn't an awful lot in terms of days out here, so we settled on going to the Garden of Dreams. I had visions of enjoying the sunshine and sipping a latte to the sound of children's laughter. However, once we got there the dreaminess evaporated after about ten minutes. Son was quite happy being an alien and zooming around climbing up inappropriate things (handily the garden security guard wasn't quick enough to catch him - I pretended he was nothing to do with me, although I think his blonde hair and blue eyes were a bit of a giveaway, as I was the only non-Nepali there). Twin 2 had a fake plait in her hair and was content just for me to say 'Who is that beautiful girl with the long, long hair? Oh, it's Rapunzel!"every so often. But Twin 1 was not happy. She didn't want to play alien space invaders, but being a real tomboy, couldn't allow herself to want to play Rapunzel with her girly sister either, so she moped about telling me alternately that she was feeling hungry or sick, until I gave up my little fantasy about sitting on a sunny bench in a beautiful garden whilst my children played nicely together some distance away, and ordered them all across the road to the pizza place. Everyone was happier after pizza and ice cream and all fell asleep in the taxi on the way home. Once home I let them watch Beauty and the Beast/ play Star Wars on the play station, and I quickly enlisted Sanu to babysit so that I could escape and buy things I didn't know I needed until I saw them in the shop. I now have a lovely blue Mexx cotton cardi that only cost nine hundred rupees (about £8) and a lipliner to match my new lipstick, that hasn't arrived yet but Amazon assures me is on its way. Also, Twin 1 has some new blue jeans, I have stocked up on chocolate coins for the next treasure hunt and, best of all, Hubby has a new microwaveable plate (the army issue ones have a metallic painted rim and they zip and fizz when you try to heat up food on them: it's most irritating) for when he's late home from work (which he says almost never happens, but we all know otherwise).
So tomorrow I suppose I should get on and do something productive with my life, instead of just shopping and watching Disney.
I have bought a new notebook, and there's plenty of ink in the inkwell so it's time for Wait and See Pudding to get cooked!

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