Tuesday, 16 February 2010

The commander is coming for a shower

The Commander is coming round to our house to have a shower tomorrow.
It's all to do with trialling some low water volume shower heads that Hubby has ordered for for British Gurkhas Nepal. Apparently the shower head order has caused some controversy in the Headquarters building: some people think they're a good thing, others evidently think that saving water is a dreadful idea. Anyhow, in order to sort out the squabbling, Hubby has had one installed in our bathroom and the Commander is coming round to test its efficacy. I have a vision of me coming home with lots of tired, grubby kids, only to be presented with a Diet Coke break moment as the Commander slinks out of our bathroom with nothing on but a Dora the Explorer towel round him.
And I'll leave you with that thought...

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