Tuesday, 18 May 2010

the M25's half-witted twin

Hello. It's me! Hubby is at work, work, work and kids are at school, school, school, and I should be writing, writing, writing, but I'm not.
I have put this week aside for research, which means I've just finished reading a book about adoption, I'm just about to read a book about bomb disposal, I'm going to order a DVD on the troubles in N Ireland in a minute and tonight I am going to watch 'the hurt locker' (probably - although I might be tempted by the next episode of Mad Men instead). So I am sitting around reading and watching DVDs a lot, which does seem a bit, well, lazy. Still, I am kidding myself that my subconscious is working, even when I'm lounging around doing not very much (although I did go out and do the meat shop this morning, so I have not been utterly unproductive. The meat shop is one of my least favourite chores because it involves going round the ring road - which is like the M25's half-witted twin - to the shop, which is down a steep, narrow track. It's a good idea to buy meat there, as it's the only meat shop in town with a generator, hence the only place where your frozen mince is actually kept frozen. Shopping for meat is not only really boring, it's also a pain in the bum because afterwards you have to reverse back up the steep and twisty track, as there's no room for the Landrover to turn around. And not only is this annoying, there are always some random underemployed locals staring open-mouthed at the shocking sight of a bideshi woman driving her own car, and, shock, using her wing mirrors as well). The problem at the moment is that my subconscious is working, and from the wellspring come thoughts such as 'you can't write this book, it will be too difficult for you and anyway the idea isn't nearly strong enough, you noodle'.
Anyway, I have to go now because I need to take the hoover off to be fixed (meat shopping and hoover repairs, what a treat this day is turning out to be!) x

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