Friday, 28 May 2010

...because, late in the afternoon (about the time when you could knock off early from work but still get home in time for supper), it's always full of middle-aged nepali men, looking shifty and handing over wads of cash. Moreover, Hubby's friend R (Nepali) says that the area around the British School is apparently notorious for prostitution - although Nepalis are far more discreet than us westerners, so there's no hanging about on corners in mini skirts, or cars with steamed-up windows gently rocking (listen, I know what it's like to live in a red light district - where do you think the cheapest student rental houses were at uni?).
So, anyway, I'm deeply suspicious. And the poor old masseurs all look worn out these days, which adds fuel to the flames of my suspicions. You're not telling me they're that exhausted from the odd facial or pedicure.

So, apart from that bit of goss, anything else?

Hubby has just gone sailing.

Twin 2 has got into the habit of giving me really long hard kisses and telling me that I'm Prince Charming, which is a bit odd, but is probably just because I'm the only person who doesn't run away from her kisses.

Twin 1 hasn't felt the need to bite anyone again recently, so that's good.


that's it.

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