We had half term (two days), which involved lots of ferrying kids around to meet other kids at various locations.
Then on Friday evening there was the fabulously surreal Teej (I had to mix my pre-do gin with ginger beer in the end, and I have to say it was pretty tasty). There we were, all dressed up to the nines in our rato saree (red saris - although in fact I was a bit of a rebel as I wore a red dress that used to be a sari), with clinking bangles and nervous laughter that morphed into drunken laughter as the evening progressed. We drank (plenty), danced (badly), and won quite splendiferous raffle prizes (Twin 1 was very pleased with the brown plastic statuette of a dolphin I gave her the following morning). I'm talking about the British wives, natch. The Nepali ladies all looked stunning, danced gracefully, didn't drink, and let us win all the raffle prizes, bless 'em. Ah well, we'll return the favour with the Secret Santa at the wives xmas function...
On Saturday Hubby was feeling a bit tired, so he went back to bed in the morning, leaving me to entertain the kids (oh, don't worry about my hangover, you just get some shut-eye, mate, I muttered, as he began snoring, and the kids began demanding something more interesting than quiet colouring in).
Went out to eat Saturday night with Hubby and a group of lovely people from the Embassy. There were three single laydeez in the group, all of them top birds, lamenting the paucity of single blokes in Nepal. So if anyone knows any nice unattached males, please do send them out to Kathmandu, where I can guarantee they will be very well looked after.
Only one kids' party to attend this weekend (what's happening? Are they becoming unpopular?), but it was miles away in a place called Godavri. Still, they had a blast, as did Son (he didn't seem bothered that the party was intended for five-and-six-year old girls), until his illness kicked in - yes, this time he was genuinely ill, not just kicked out of school for having sickly siblings.
I hope he'll be better by tomorrow because, you know, there are best-selling novels just waiting to be a-written!
Nightie, night x
ps - Twin 2 has started trying to give me open-mouthed kisses at bed time. Yeuch. Like being kissed by a tortoise. She's been watching way too much of those Disney Princess movies!
Great...sounds like you enjoyed the teej part albeit with a little assistance from a good G&T I suppose.
The single lasses in your Saturday dinner...they are not alone.I think globally, there is a dirth of eligible, single, heterosexual men.At this rate I reckon single will be the new "married".Outlook:very bleak!
Keep it up with the novels and you will get here.I reckon Jeffry Archer had to write and rewrite his first manuscripts before he produced a best seller.
Oh...Mr. Gum book are hilarious.:)
Have a lovely week.
Perhaps the answer is to move to China, where they are overloaded with young, single males, apparently...
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