Wednesday, 8 December 2010

no time!

Sorry, it has been ages, and my only excuse is that my fingers are so cold that it makes it hard to type. Also I have been using the laptop (when I can wrest it from the kids) in lengthy emails to the online shop that sold me my 'water resistant' watch, which wasn't. The MD of the company says the watch was clearly marked as not being water resistant, but in fact the site said " can rest assured your watch will keep ticking underwater." So I think we might end up going to court about it. Which will be tedious and time-consuming (not that I will notice the time passing, as I have nothing to tell the time with, at the moment. Actually, I've been wearing Hubby's old sports watch. It's huge, about the size of a small apple, and does all kinds of exciting things like telling you the altitude and the time in Sydney, etc., which is all very exciting, but not really what I want).
End of term stuff cranking up now. I have been helping kids make boxes with which to fill with homemade fudge for their teachers. They have painted boxes red (you can hardly see the Tetley Tea logo underneath), and covered with bits of old xmas cards and sparkling jewels. This weekend we shall make the fudge. However, when I spoke to the kids about it, Twin 2 says she doesn't want to give any to Miss P (her teaching assistant), Twin 1 says she doesn't want to give any to Miss M (her teaching assistant) either, because she's 'horrible'. Son says he doesn't really like his teaching assistant, either. So I think we may end up eating a lot of the fudge ourselves (shame!).
Good news on the masters application, they have said they'll accept my application without seeing a copy of my very old 2:2 certificate. This is good because I think it's lost in storage somewhere, and really doesn't certify much, except that I managed to last three years at Uni without being chucked out for non-attendance. Who would have thought, when I question-spotted my way through my finals, that the only time I'd end up using my Law degree would be twenty years later, in an online battle about a watch?
I have to go now, because I'm going to school to do face painting for the nativity play. I'm doing the stars and camels, which is dead easy, and my friend M will be doing the far more challenging Landlord's cat (she is a much better painter than me).
Take care xxx

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