Friday, 17 December 2010

feeling festive

Finally managed to wrest laptop from kids by booting them out into the garden, hurrah.
Well, the school hols are here and we're all christmassy, sort of. Yesterday went to kids' carol concert at school - I think if I am forced to listen to 'Little Donkey' one more time I shall top myself. Also interesting spectacle of the whole school waving their arms in the air to 'Do they know it's Christmas?' (better known by my kids as 'Feed the world'). I couldn't work out whether it was bizarre or really quite lovely. I think I have a constant inner battle between cynicsm and sentimentalism. After that we had the exciting Gurkha camp kids' xmas party, which I organised this year. Now, I'm probably the laziest woman in BGN, so I organised something whereby I had to put in as little effort as possible by booking a bouncy castle, face painter, and getting a lovely dad to be Santa. My plan was pretty much to turn up and just let it all happen around me. However, the bouncy castle kept deflating, and at one point the bouncy castle man disappeared. I finally located him in a taxi outside camp, bringing in a new air pump thingy. We ended up with bouncy castle for about half an hour, boo, but I don't think any of the kids cared because Santa threw loads of sweets at them from the balcony (only a couple ended up with minor head traumas as a result). Then in the evening it was the BGN xmas function (with a very festive dahl baht buffet - luckily the chef managed to do a proper roast as well, if he hadn't there would have been mutiny from the Brits, who are forced to have a dahl baht buffet at every single other Gurkha function throughout the year). Hubby had said in his usual Grinch-ish way that he wanted to go home straight after the meal, but by his third double whisky somehow changed his mind, and we ended the evening dancing to the techno version of Munni Badman (the track I failed to master at Bollywood - although for some reason, after a whisky toddy, two glasses of wine and a glass of port, I managed rather well. Perhaps that was where I went wrong with the Bollywood lessons?).
I felt quite cheery this morning as Hubby had to rush off to work at 7.45, but I could lounge around having extra cups of tea and painkillers. The extent of my holiday childcare this morning has been to put on some Christmas tunes and let the Twins wear dressing up clothes to prance about in.
We're not doing anything this xmas, or going away anywhere, so I now have until 10th January to spend mornings listening to Wizard, Slade and telling small children how beautiful they look in their torn polyester frilly things. I felt a bit guilty at one point and tried to engage Son in conversation, but he said he was busy thinking and didn't want to talk. Okay then!
Right, I could blather on indefinitely, but I think it's time for another cuppa.
Take care xxxx

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