Tuesday, 25 January 2011

will the misery never end?

I should have stayed up in the frozen peaks. It's great to be back, but I think the advantage of being so cold up there was that it killed all the germs. Now I'm back and have had horrible tummy bug thing. You know, when you're on the loo, clutching a bucket, evacuating from both ends, and just wishing it would all end.
Too much info? Soz.
Was feeling slightly better this morning (hurrah for Ciprofloxicin), so ventured onto camp, only to be accosted by the welfare officer who made me agree to write a piece on our trek for the families' newsletter. I was so weak with nausea I would have agreed to swimming the Bagmati, just to get rid of him and get back into bed. Contemplated penning something about cold boobs, but decided that the good families of British Gurkhas Nepal are not quite ready for an essay on frozen nipples, just yet.
So I returned to my sick bed to write a witty little piece for the newsletter. Well, I attempted to be witty, but I think I might just come across as pathetic. Ho hum, never mind.
Sorry this has ended up being a post about poo again. That's quite enough of this lavatorial conversation! as my mother was fond of saying.
I promise not to talk about poo next time!
Take care xxx

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