Thursday, 10 February 2011

rose and thorn

Hello. Good news and bad news, which do you want first?
Okay, the bad news is that we have probably lost wads of cash now the company that was managing our UK property has gone bankrupt.
The good news is that I have a place on the creative writing masters course at Notts uni (although now I feel bad about doing it as I ought to be earning money to make up for the amount we have lost to the fraudsters).
The other good news is that it's finally getting warmer and sunnier and the pool was thirty degrees when we went swimming today.
See what I did there? Two positives to outweigh the negative. Apparently that's what President Obama does with his family each evening - he calls it 'rose and thorn', and you are supposed to have two roses for each thorn. And to put it into perspective, his thorn is probably a darn sight bigger than mine. I mean today his is that the US has the highest terrorist threat since 9/11, and mine is just that we'll have to put off the next family holiday for a bit.

So perhaps I should just list some more 'roses' to make me feel better:

1. Twin 2 has learnt to say the letter 'l' even though her UK speech therapist said last summer that she would probably never be able to articulate it;
2. I can claim the VAT back on all my recent Amazon purchases, so just think how much money that has saved;
3. Hubby is back on Tuesday.

See, reasons to be cheerful...1,2,3

I'm off to find gin and chocolate now. x

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