Wednesday, 2 February 2011

exciting silicone

Managed to get quite excited about buying silicone lasagne dish on Amazon this evening. Not quite as thrilling as buying the cheese slicer, but almost. Wonder if Hubby has made it to Dominica yet? Do you think this is how our marriage will finally drift apart - not by either of us having an affair or anything, but with our radically different ideas as to what constitutes excitement. For him, it's yachting in tropical waters, whereas for me, it's the whiff of fresh silicone as I open my Amazon packaging. Do you think we are doomed?
At least I managed to get a bit of writing done today. Not as much as I should have, but at least I managed to keep my pen moving and not fall asleep, so I did better than yesterday. I had a late school pick up and decided to treat myself to reflexology at the Japanese place. I had one chap on each foot, for an hour, which should have been bliss, but was actually really, really painful as the man who had my right foot had horribly poky fingers with long fingernails. He probably thought he was being therapeutic and thorough, but he just made me nearly cry with pain. Felt so traumatised after the massage that I had to go and buy myself an overpriced bar of chocolate before I picked the kids up (and then quickly dispose of the wrapper so that they didn't get huffy for not getting any chocolate themselves). I have been eating a huge amount recently. It's all these meals out. And Meena's biscuits are quite nice this week (has she started secretly using her 'taste powder' again, I wonder?). Perhaps I should start putting my bleach mouthguard in earlier, like, before supper time?
Anyway, I have a date with nice Sue and Giles now, so I shall have to go.
Goodnight xxx

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