Thursday, 10 November 2011

I am still here, honest

I've got time to write a quick blog, hurrah. I don't think it means that my time management is getting any better, just that I packed the kids off to bed early. Son is just back from a school trip to somewhere muddy in the peak district (and that's about all I know about it, other than that they sold slinkys in the shop) and needed an early night, because at the activity centre they all went to bed at half past nine (shock: I wasn't planning on bed times that late until he's at least sixteen).
I've been madly catching up on all the work I should have done during half term, but didn't because we were all busy having fun. So I've handed in my essay and my workshop piece and my portfolio piece and now I just have to write another six thousand words by next week, which should be easy, right? Just so long as nobody gets ill...
We had our early Christmas this weekend. The kids all got bikes and pajamas (Santa is nothing if not practical), so we were out in the rain, riding around the block this weekend. Of course peddling and steering and braking and balancing is all a bit too much for Twin 2 to cope with, so we had to attach her bike onto a grown-up's one, so all she has to do is hang on for dear life and try not to go flying off on the corners.
I made a lovely roast dinner (free range chicken, not turkey, since you ask). In the great traditions of xmas dinners it was an hour late, by which time everyone had eaten far too many sweets and was not the slightest bit interested in sprouts or roast parsnips. Good to see that nothing has changed since I was a child.
We had a christmas cake. The kids managed a small slice each, but I declined (mixed fruit, yuk), so Hubby had to eat the rest of the cake himself. Oh well, he'll need the extra insulation as those desert nights can get pretty cold at this time of year.
Even though I didn't eat any xmas pud or xmas cake, I still feel like I've put on a christmassy amount of weight - in fact, I'm too scared to even set foot on the scales as it will just depress me, and I'm sad enough about the prospect of losing my husband for six months, so I don't need any more bad news, thanks.
Anyway, I went to circuits today (which of course nearly killed me). I know that in order to lose flab one needs to eat less/do more, but I'm not one hundred per cent keen on the 'eat less' side of that equation, so I will just have to do more. Apparently typing burns up calories, so maybe my six thousand words for next week won't be totally wasted...and I have promised myself that I will go to circuits twice a week for the next six months - by the time Hubby gets back I'll be fit as a butcher's dog (whatever that means).
Anyway, I'm going to go now and have a look at what Santa bought me - a new Kindle, thanks Santa!

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