Thursday, 5 June 2014

I'm having a taste of the future...the Twins are off on a school residential and the house is eerily quiet. Since I came in from work, and Son came home from school, there's just been the almost inaudible hum of elecrickery, as he dominates his Minecraft universe, and I ponder flash fiction and next week's lesson plan. We broke the silence with a brief chat about tuna pizza and geography homework. And when I drove him to karate the absence of an internet connection forced us to exchange pleasantries. But otherwise...oddly absent of noise. Nobody claiming to have been scratched by anyone else. Nobody needing their physio monitored or guitar practice cajoled into or spellings tested or reading listened to. There hasn't even been any housework to do - no biscuit crumbs, apple cores or illicit sweet wrappers on the floor, either. It is - Son and I agreed - very strange indeed. I ended up with plenty of time to write, lesson plan, pop to Tesco to buy a green jumper (yes, another one, but it was £3 in the sale, bargain or what?) and do 44 sun salutations and write to you. And it's not even ten o'clock. I feel like I'm retired, or have just slipped back into a pre-kids life. Anyhow, I'm going to use this somewhat spooky bit of extra spare time to have a nice bath, without interruptions or the nagging thought of bunging a load in the machine or packing PE kits. Ta-ra xx

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