Saturday, 24 December 2011

It's the night before-the-night-before-christmas

Hello! It's the night before-the-night-before-christmas, which is really exciting (if you're six years old), so exciting, in fact, that Twin 2 decided to fall down the stairs. It was a great stunt-double tumble, involving a double somersault and only being halted by the dog's basket on the corner. I was wondering the other day quite what career Twin 2 is likely to pursue when she grows up, and I think a stunt woman will suit her very well. She is exceptionally good at falling over.
Tomorrow morning we're up at five to head off to the grandparents', which is fantastic. I keep having conversations with people asking me if I'm ready for Christmas, to which I reply that I've bought a bottle of bubbly (for me - Christmas being the only day when it's totally acceptable to start drinking at breakfast time, hurrah) and filled the car up with petrol, and that's it. How thankful I am to have a mother who loves cooking and a father who loves washing up - roll on the hols!
I have mentioned to the kids that their grandmother's way of showing them that she cares is by cooking, so it's rude to say you don't like something that she's served up. Twin 1 has been practising: "I'm sorry but I ate a big breakfast today so I can't quite manage this" - hope she won't use this line at every meal time, but at least it's better than: "This is yuk, why can't we have a hot dog in front of the telly like we do at home?"
Of course I won't be getting a Christmas present from Bah Humbug Major Bumsaw, who is stuck in his office in the middle of the desert, so I sent the kids off at Tesco the other day with £10 and an instruction to get me something nice. I even gave them a nice spangly gift bag and some sellotape so they could gift wrap it and I really wouldn't know what's inside. Even better, because everything's on bogof at the moment, I'll be getting loads (although I'm not sure quite what I'll be getting loads of).
All the presents are packed up in the car, along with the stocking fillers. Santa has been quite communicative this year and sent a video message and a letter (although no email - I decided to avoid that one since inadvertently sending him viagra and porn adverts when my account was compromised last year). Twin 1 also sent him a letter in which she asked for a guitar and a colouring book (phew, thank goodness she forgot about the Wii and the DS).
Right, I'm off to finish my wine and go to bed, because my alarm is set for 4.30 am...
Have a fab xmas xxxx

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