Thursday, 1 December 2011

I survived the teachers' strike:

I survived the teachers' strike: made xmas cards, cupcakes and even managed to get to the gym for another near-death experience. Kids are ridiculously excited about the prospect of advent calendars in the morning. I have made a command decision, however, to keep the Twins' calendars in my room, so there will be no repeat of Twin 2 deciding to open all the windows in one go (she has no concept of delayed gratification, that one). Because of the strike, I haven't be able to write much this week - Wednesday is usually a great writing day. I have been trying to think more deeply about one of my characters and get into her psyche before writing some extra scenes for her, but all I've been able to do read a bit of Mary Churchill's memoirs, order some cardboard dividers for chapters (somehow I think if I can split it all up, it will be easier to manage - not sure why I think having bits of coloured card will make me a better writer...), and worry about what I won't have time to write by my Friday deadline. I tried writing a scene tonight, but then had to go to the laptop to try to discover what Grosvenor Gardens looked like in 1941 and then got sucked into Facebook and now it's gone ten and I have to go to bed. At least I remembered to change the bed sheets - Son brought a rat in to see me in bed this morning and promised me  that it wouldn't wee or poo. Of course, the second the little furry vermin got on the sheets it immediately did both.
Feeling slightly sad and wishing I could talk to Hubby, but I can't, so I'm going to swig down the rest of my wine and fill up my hot water bottle instead.
Nightie night x

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