Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Happy Valentine's

Hi, it's Valentine's Day. Twin 1 made me a nice card. Nothing from Hubby, as agreed. We never do Valentine's these days so even if he were here, he'd just be saying that it's all commercial b******s, but somehow I'm still feeling miserable about it. Boo hoo.
I ought to be happy. Got my mid-term assessments back from the course and I'm doing pretty well, despite all my assignments being written in a blind panic in between ill children and school holidays.
Anyway, what's been happening this half term? We had a lovely weekend with the R family, who let us just slob about in their house eating chocolate (perfect way to spend a Saturday night and Sunday morning). Today I had to call the baby sitter in so I could go to university. The kids were wild with excitement at the opportunity for respite from their sad and grumpy mother. Upon my return,  Twin 2 asked to go home with the baby sitter, and I told her she was welcome to. The baby sitter's eyes suddenly got very large and she quickly told Twin 2 that she couldn't possibly come home with her as she had a big dog who liked to eat six year old girls with blonde hair (do you think that a four-hour baby sitting stint was enough for her?), so poor Twin 2 had to make do with evil Mummy and her unreasonable demands to put-your-things-away-or-they-will-go-in-the-bin-and-I-am-not-joking.
Now everything is vaguely less Nagasaki than it was (although still a bit Blitz-y in places), and I'm packing our bags, because tomorrow we're off to abuse the hospitality of the lovely C and her family (not the same C who nearly copped it from sudden-onset pneumonia the other day, a different one), and I'm already looking forward to the excuse of a nice big cake and/or fry up at some service station en route.
Right, well, I should go and finish the packing. Happy Valentine's x

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