Friday, 26 October 2012

Oh, I am so middle aged. Here's the proof: I am celebrating getting all my ironing done by having half a shandy. I didn't use an iron until my mid-thirties, and back in the day a celebratory drink meant considerably more than half a shandy. Now I feel a thrill of personal fulfillment at a neat stack of school uniforms and a freshly-bleached hob. How has this happened? It won't be long until I start crocheting toilet roll covers and and joining the WI...
So, it's nearly the end of half term, and, the rest of the week has been quite calm in comparison to our watery start. Dog seems to have recovered from his near-death experience, and I managed to sneak in a nice pair of jeans ('skinny boot', since you ask) and a green jumper (no, it's really different from all my other green jumpers, honest) into the shopping basket when Hubby was buying new clothes for him (he's lost inches from his waistline and thus needs new clothes - sadly I don't have that excuse).
Blah blah blah...wish I had something more exciting to tell you! take care xxx

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