Thursday, 14 February 2013

So, my dad's on telly and I'm feeling embarrassed. But not in a good way. Not in a oh-look-at-the-tanked-up-old-coot-entering-the-worm-charming-competition-at-the-local-pub way. No, the reactionary NIMBY has been protesting against community-supported renewable energy schemes. He doesn't want any wind turbines on the hill near his home, thank you very much, and he's happy to go on television to say so. It's not just that it feels like he's happy to mortgage his grandchildrens' futures for the sake of his view, it's just downright embarrassing to be associated with someone who holds those kind of opinions. Sigh.
Anyway, I think I may just be on a slight downer because I have had a less than great start to Valentine's Day (not that I was expecting anything from anyone, you understand), because I was up all night with a vomiting Twin 2 (Twin 1 was momentarily jealous and said that it wasn't fair that her sister got the day off school - then I reminded her that if she stayed off school herself, she would miss spending Valentine's Day with Samuel, and she suddenly stopped feeling aggrieved). The poor thing is now lying on the sofa in front of Scooby Doo looking wan. I've had to cancel my thing at uni this morning and am looking forward to spending the day washing vomit-soaked sheets/towels etc. I have a fairly critical meeting to kick off my new job this afternoon, which I haven't backed out of yet - still hoping that Twin 2 will feel well enough to sit in a cafe for an hour playing angry birds whilst I talk to people about ways of showing that a specific art exhibition has broad cultural impact. Hmmmm. Fifty-fifty chance of making it, I think.
Anyway, Happy Valentine's you! xxxxx

ps - now several hours later and yes, she is still vomming, poor thing!

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