Monday, 15 April 2013

Hello, how are you? I'm hungry, and jittery and full of nervous energy. This is due to me having just started the 'fast' diet. Hubby says I mustn't think of it as a 'diet' but as a new regime, so this is a 'regime change' (there certainly are some violent rumblings, so he may be right). In case you haven't heard of it, the diet - ahem, regime - involves eating normally for five days of the week, but severely restricting your calorie intake on the other two. So today I've had four apples, a couple of slices of ham and oh, about a million cups of coffee - which probably explains the jitteryness. Anyway, the good thing is that because I'm having to use diversionary tactics to stop me thinking about a nice plate of tacos smothered in sour cream and salsa ....mmmm, yummy (no, no, stop that!)...I'm being quite productive (although of course not quite so productive that I've done the downstairs bathroom yet) and I've done all the washing and the washing up and the meter reading and booked the car in for an MOT and all my lesson planning and washed my hair and it's still hours until bedtime and even more hours until breakfast time (I probably will end up cleaning the downstairs bathroom, although there's a reasonable chance I'll end up eating toilet roll smothered in cleaning products and pretending it's tacos smothered in sour cream and salsa...mmm,, no, NO!)
I was listening to something on the radio about self-publishing this morning on the way back from my lovely ESOL class, and it reminded me of a conversation I had with my sister-in-law the other week about my book (of which I haven't written a word since before the Easter hols). I was talking about how I'm a bit addicted to writing now, and no longer really care whether or not my manuscript gets picked up by an agent. She said: "Well, I suppose when you create something, it's like a gift that you're giving...but how do you know if it's a gift people want to receive?" Indeed. I now have an image of my magnum opus as an unwanted jar of bath salts, or perhaps a foot spa, with the gift tags still attached. Think I need to do some neuro-linguistic programming on myself and see it instead as a gift people do want to receive (George Clooney smothered in sour cream and salsa, anyone?).
TTFN xxxx


allijulivert said...

Ho hum, me too. Diet, that is, though not this one.
The 2 days per week sound nice, but I know that I would take the opportunity to have 7000 extra calories on those days!

I have read a lot of self-published books - you can get them pretty cheaply on Amazon and they are often written in instalments, so you sign up to a mailing list and you get updates when there is a new part available. It's quite a fun way to read. The editing is sometimes really really bad, but that's understandable, since ummmm there is no editor!
Really they don't work out cheaper in the end cos several parts at 1 dollar something a time adds up to the cost of a whole book.
Obv you only access ereader peeps (yes I confess to this vice ;)

Amy Waif said...

yep, I think I'll go down this route because otherwise I'll just spend years getting rejected by agents, although I need to know whether it's any good before I hit the publish button on Amazon...

allijulivert said...

Of course it will be good :)

Amy Waif said...

hmmm...well that's what I thought about the previous three!