It is most anti-climatic.
I had promised him (Son, not Sudeep) a fish tank and everything when he finally learnt to swim. Luckily I found a fishbowl and contents for less than a fiver. Not spending more than that when it only took him about ten minutes to learn. Really. On the first lesson he did a bit of kicking on the side. At the second lesson I had just busied myself with wiping a bottom (not mine) and ordering a diet coke, before getting into the pool myself. By the time I had poked a baby toe in, he was front crawling all over the place. Quite disappointing.
Still, there are a couple more challenges in store for magic Sudeep, in the shape of Twin 1 and Twin 2. If he can get Twin 2 swimming, it'll be fish tanks all round. I may even buy one for Hubby - it might calm and de-stress his tortuous, grumpiness. It is supposed to work in dentists' waiting rooms, so why not in our bedroom?
Well, it would be worth a try.
It is just after eight thirty in the evening here and Hubby has gone to bed. Son woke him up at about five am, for the second morning in a row. They have both been bleary-eyed and irritable all afternoon. The ladies of the family, however, sensibly had a power-nap after lunch and have been perky-as-you-fancy most of the day (boys of the family don't fancy any perkiness whatsoever, and were content to merely watch Star Wars and go to bed, pretty much at the same time).
Anyway, I ramble on like a big slice of rambling pie. Should really go and stare at the new goldfish (or Goldy, Mischief and Sauce, to their friends) and put me in the right frame of mind for a good long kip.
Nighty night.
ps - Twin 1 wants to be Darth Moll (? don't know how to spell), but only if Mummy will be a Sith as well. Not sure what to do - should I move across to the dark side too?
Hubby: Outlook thundery with outbursts predicted later
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