Thursday, 27 August 2009

more of everything...

Anyway, I'm back from school now and everyone is either watching Beauty and the Beast or reading Fantastic Mr Fox, so I can finish off telling you about the mad-scary-eyed yoga teacher and his enlightening comments. He told me, for example, that one must never breathe through one's mouth. He said that dogs breathe through their mouths (they don't, they pant, which is their version of perspiration, but anyhow...) and they don't live very long, ergo, if we breathe through our mouths we won't live long either. Hmmm, I'm sure there's a flaw in his biological reasoning or logic somewhere along the line but I can't quite put my finger on it....Oh, yes, that's it - he's talking a load of shite. However, I do desperately need to flex up a bit, so I'm prepared to gloss over that. Apart from the breathing and the Om-ing, and a few yoga poses that I vaguely remember from previous classes, we also do 'yogic-jogging'. Yes, new to me as well. It seems that yogic jogging owes quite a bit to Jane Fonda aerobic videos of the late eighties (I know, because I had one), and involves tummy-twists, star-jumps, lunges, etc. The scary-eyed teacher confidently told us: "If you do five minutes jogging there is no need for your morning walk; it's fully scientific, fully scientific!" So that's okay, then.
Here I am, dissing it, but the fact is I need yoga. If I don't do it then I confidently expect to snap at some point in the next decade or so, probably when I'm reaching for the loo roll or something. Also, the fat-busters went out with the trash, so I have to do something. I just wish it didn't involve being told pseudo-scientific tosh and making me feel like an old lady. Well, it's my own fault for all these years of not stretching after going for a run, I suppose.

Oh, there was something else I wanted to vent about as well: one of the mums at school was upset because her little girl doesn't seem to be settling in foundation. I sympathise, because she only turned four at the end of the summer holidays, so she is just about the youngest in the class. However, she used to do full days in pre-school, so it's not as if she's missing a vital afternoon nap or anything. The mum said that it wasn't fair, because Twin 2 is allowed to do mornings only at the moment but her daughter has to do full days. I wasn't quite sure how to respond. I blurted, "But she has cerebral palsy!" (I almost stuck my tongue in my lower lip afterwards, but it seemed somewhat inappropriate). I wanted to say, "If your daughter has permanent brain damage, I'm sure she could do half days too." But I didn't. I mean, der!

Am I being over-sensitive, or was it a pretty stupid thing for her to say?


allijulivert said...

It was a completely stupid thing for her to say. I hope she was suitably ashamed!

Glad to hear the yoga is going so well ;) Got to be great with such a mad teacher.

Am creating new account - see if this thing lets me post again.

allijulivert said...

Hurrrar, it does. So am posting again to congratulate you on braving a run. Have to confess that I haven't been running since - ehem - I was at uni!

Amy Waif said...

Thank you for your kind support, nice person, whoever you are (and no, I don't think she was ashamed at all). Also, I can hardly call it a run, more of a breathless stumble. but you are v. nice. Can you also say something nice about me wimping out of going out tonight - go on, I'll be your mate!