Tuesday, 1 September 2009

send in the fun police

I just wanted to share this with you. It's an invitation to the next BGN function. Now, is it me, or does this invite just suck the fun right out of it?

Subject: Release-authorised: 20090828-U-LADIES GUEST NIGHT SAT 19 SEP 09-BGK 11202

Sirs et all,

1. The Kathmandu Mess will be holding a Ladies Guest Night on Sat 19 Sep 09. The night will take the form of a formal dinner night followed by suitable entertainment.

2. Attire for the evening will be Summer Mess Kit or Black Tie and Saree/Long Dress for the Ladies. Single pers can bring a partner but please do notify Mess Secretary with his/her details. All members are to be at the Mess for 1900hrs.

3. Please be informed that this function is a “3 Line Whip” hence nil return required. Mess members who are unable to attend due to unavoidable situation are requested to submit their non-attendance to the PMC by Wed 16 Sep 09 at the latest. Thank you//


allijulivert said...

Well, no fairy godmother in there!

More like "you bloody well will go to the ball."

Surely the challenge here is to come up with an "unavoidable situation" - bit like forging notes to get off playing hockey at school on really cold days.

Amy Waif said...

I could say I have my period...which might actually cut it here, as you're not really supposed to have much to do with anyone when 'you've got the painters in'!