Subject: Release-authorised: 20090828-U-LADIES GUEST NIGHT SAT 19 SEP 09-BGK 11202
Sirs et all,
1. The Kathmandu Mess will be holding a Ladies Guest Night on Sat 19 Sep 09. The night will take the form of a formal dinner night followed by suitable entertainment.
2. Attire for the evening will be Summer Mess Kit or Black Tie and Saree/Long Dress for the Ladies. Single pers can bring a partner but please do notify Mess Secretary with his/her details. All members are to be at the Mess for 1900hrs.
3. Please be informed that this function is a “3 Line Whip” hence nil return required. Mess members who are unable to attend due to unavoidable situation are requested to submit their non-attendance to the PMC by Wed 16 Sep 09 at the latest. Thank you//
Well, no fairy godmother in there!
More like "you bloody well will go to the ball."
Surely the challenge here is to come up with an "unavoidable situation" - bit like forging notes to get off playing hockey at school on really cold days.
I could say I have my period...which might actually cut it here, as you're not really supposed to have much to do with anyone when 'you've got the painters in'!
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