Tuesday, 20 April 2010


Gutted! Manuscript sent back with red pen all over it. Not literally - in fact it was several pages of critique telling me exactly where I did everything wrong. Somewhat depressing, but hey. I'm trying to tell myself that if I can manage to do a Nepali dance in front of one hundred-odd locals, then surely writing another, better book isn't beyond me. I have put the manuscript under the bed. Hubby quite wisely told me that I should incorporate all the constructive crit (and there was a lot of it!) into the new book, and revisit the last one when I'm less emotionally attached to it (ie. don't burst into tears every time I look at it).
So I need to get back on the horse, as it were.
One thing the reviewer said was that I should think about whether or not I really want to write romance, and I think she has a point. I'm not sure I really do.
So anyhow, here's the pitch for the new book:
"When twin sisters Ria and Vee discover a family secret, it takes them on a journey that will change their lives forever..."
Or something like that. What do you think? It's not about girls and boys kissing or anything!


Merry Monk said...

Philistines!!! What do they know of romance. You stick with the kissing and cuddlin and all that. Get a bit more graphic. I won't mind. No, really, I won't. THAT'S what the public want to read. How about Ria and Vee finding a secret family that like a bit of graphic romance?
Get your Booker Prize acceptance speech ready. I sense a blockbuster......

Amy Waif said...

Couldn't possibly - what if my mum read it (or my husband, for that matter)?